Friday, June 15, 2007


Take a rope and just jump in and out. It’s the easiest job if you get paid for it. Skipping can be done just as a hobby or a way to lose your calories. Jumping ropes burns more calories up to 10 per minute, greater than any of other form of cardiovascular exercise. While toning upper and lower body, it can help you to improve your co-ordination and balance and maintain and build healthy bones. It surely gives you health benefit and apart from that we love jumping ropes b’coz it’s so cheap. All one needs is a place to jump, a rope and a good pair of sports shoe. But there are certain rules that should be followed during workout. First, one should make sure that the rope is of right length. Next is to keep your elbow close to your body while skipping. Keep in mind, not to jump more than one inch of the ground and never look down at your feet…look straight ahead. With it, it can be fun as well as healthy. So, get a skipping rope right now and see what change it can bring to your life.