Friday, July 20, 2007


How many times do we smile back at the people who wish us a warm morning on a chilly day or a refreshing afternoon on a particularly stressful one? How often do we greet others on their special dates and make them feel special? Not many, I would assume. Most put forward the lame excuse of “I was Busy” for what indeed. We all are busy or some of us pretend to be, minding our own business. Bits are we so busy that we don’t even have enough time to say a few good words to our loved ones. People who care about us and have a special place in our lives? And have we grown so selfish that we don’t even have time for our buddies? Well I don’t know about you but these questions make me wonder if we are missing something important in our lives, isn’t it?

Well! It’s not dead but has been buried due to our selfishness and never ending hunger for power and money ……-Aashifa Anwar