Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Delserro Engineering Solutions

There are a lot of electronic and mechanical products being invented day by day. It’s not sure that all these products are really worth releasing in the market. They may have certain drawbacks hidden inside them. So, each of these products need to be first tested before bringing up in the market. See if they can really compete against its rival products or match the heat. Delserro Engineering Solutions offers a variety of testing techniques for such products. They’ve got some of the best engineers working for over 50 years in this field and are the best in managing multi- million projects. Delserro provides you with all the testing requirements including HALT, HASS, Fixtures, Humidity testing, Package testing, Vibration testing, Environmental testing, and other many more testing. They not only do the testing and find out faults but also provide the solutions with their experience and powerful arsenal of software. In short, they provide creative engineering solutions that increase the customers' competitive edge and make them successful.


Anonymous said...

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