Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Is that love in his face?

Most of the time we are confused with our relationship .We end up decimating rose or any other flowers muttering he love me or love me not. They get lots of sleepless night whether their partner really loves or are cheating on them. Most of the girls try to talk to her girlfriends about every single move of her guys so that they could analyze him to death. Now ladies you can just cut those crap out and just look hard on your guy face whether he is a real keeper. Notice whether he mirrors your expression .Hey don’t freak out if he imitates you instead it’s a sure shot that he really loves you as people love to copy cat other people moves when they really like them. When he gazes at your face now and then or remain looking dreamingly at a distance then girls it’s a no signal .Look for the guys who looks right into your eyes while talking to you as he will be looking for deeper connection. Notice his pupil when you say something sweet nothing in his ear .If his pupil open wide then thing he has a positive feeling for you .If you guys watches you till the end of the road and even after you are out of sight this says that he is totally lost in love with you. If you guy love to play with you hair then congratulation girl you got a free brush and a stylist and above that a loving boyfriend. And does he sits too close to you as far as space allows him to do that then get a smile on your face as he want to be your support system girl. Hey I am not saying that these few word are guaranteed but what’s there to loose you can just try them out .Now I guess you will move your ass to check out his non verbal signals to read his mind to know what he feels about you I guess.
-- Written by Nishu