Monday, August 13, 2007

The Magic of Learning

Reading with children is not only fun but also one of the best ways to help prepare them for school. Children learn about the value and importance of reading as they watch their family reading and writing in everyday life. Whether reading a novel, sharing story, using a recipe, making shopping list, writing a birthday card or reading a street sign, children observe the value of reading and writing. One of the key in learning to read is exposure to literature. One of the important academic achievements is also being a good reader. Parents know their children best and can provide the on one time and attention that will lead them to success in reading. Here are some lists that will help to improve the children reading:

  1. Set aside a regular time to read to your children everyday.
  2. Surround your children with reading material.
  3. Have a family reading time.
  4. Encourage a wide variety of reading activities.
  5. Be knowledgeable about your children’s progress.
  6. Look for reading problems.
  7. Get help promptly for reading problems.
  8. Use a variety of aids to help you children.
  9. Show enthusiasm for your children’s reading.