Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mysteries and controversies behind Jesus

Most view Jesus as God and a divine from the very beginning of Christianity. He was never married and as whenever his family is referred, it’s probably about his brothers and sisters. There exists no mention of a wife in any scripture of Jesus, in his ministry, when he was tied and crucified, or after his death. It is still believed that the son of God came to Earth to save the Church which is his true bride .The legend of the Grail is indeed about the lost cup from the Last Supper and not about Mary Magdalene and this concept showing Mary Magdalene as his wife is rejected by art historians as at that time Leonardo’s portrayal of men is well known and is considered a typical representation of young men and not a women. Lot of question arises about Jesus marriage with Mary Magdalene, Jesus divinity invented by Constantine, the original records of Jesus being destroyed and recently discovered manuscripts telling the truth about Jesus.

Dan Brown, the author of ‘Da Vinci Code’ gave us shocking assertion from his book. So could this be true or is it just the stuff of a good conspiracy novel. He revels some of truth of Jesus which was unknown to us. According to him, Jesus was viewed by his followers as a mortal prophet a great and powerful man and his establishment as the Son of God was officially proposed and voted on by the Council of Nicaea. The Last Supper practically shouts at the viewer that Jesus and Magdalene was a pair and the Holy Grail is all about Mary Magdalene and not just about a cup. Marry Magdalene was his wife and not his mother.