Thursday, August 30, 2007


With this increasing modernity and jet set lifestyles, our present world is characterized with much stress, tension, fatigue and pressure. Above all, we are now becoming all the more dependent on allopathic treatments making us enter a pill-popping culture. This has subsequently made our ancient and more reliable practice of healing seem obsolete and ineffective. However, efforts are still underway to receive these centuries old practice to cure us of our physical, mental as well as spiritual ailments. One of such practice which is currently being revived and popularized once again is the Traditional Tibetan healing practice known as Jampeche which in Tibetan means “Gentle external treatments “. Jamepeche refers to different treatments including kunye(massage), water therapies etc. that help protect us of undue tension and troubles which cause mental and physical disorders.

Health Benefits of Jamepeche: Successful for Chronic imbalance such as asthma, arthritis, neurological disorder and all types of hepatitis. Effective for the cure of sexual problems & diseases or pregnancy related complications. Cures disorders of the gall bladder, intestines, heart problems, liver & kidney ailments. For proper circulation, pain in joints or tired aching muscles, rib problems.