Thursday, September 6, 2007


Assuming you're a morning person, a smart way to lose weight is to work out before breakfast. That's because when you don't give your body carbs, more of the calories you burn will come from fat stores.

• Most runners don't warm up as well as they could. Ideally, you want to warm up very slowly (about 60 percent of perceived exertion) for three minutes, then do three very quick intervals in a row - 20-second sprints separated by two minutes of easy jogging.
• To simulate outdoor running, set the treadmill incline to at least one percent. Running on a cardio machine set to a zero-percent grade is actually easier than running outdoors on flat ground because there's no wind resistance and less friction.
• Never run at a speed that you could walk. Studies of health club members have shown that treadmill runners experience less caloric burn and greater stress on their joints while running slow than when walking fast.
• For extra-sweaty feet or underarms, moisten black tea bags in warm water, and apply to the trouble spots for 20 minutes three times a week. The tannic acid calms sweat glands.
• Sprinkle Zeasorb powder in your funkiest sneakers. Unlike other foot powders, it doesn't contain cornstarch, which can act as free food for bacteria and fungus.