Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lives at stake! Abortion in Nepal

There is perhaps no other issue people are divided over more than abortion. Be it social norms or religious affiliations, the issue challenges you to examine your beliefs and principles at the deepest human level. There is a question of personal responsibility and personal choice, but no matter where your conscience lies, when the economics of survival is concerned, is there really a choice? In Nepal , even before the abortion reform law was passed in 2002, the strict abortion laws with lengthy prison sentences didn't deter women, largely poor and illiterate, from seeking abortion. They instead risked their lives at the hands of sudenis, quacks and untrained nurses and doctors. Studies show that over 50 percent of Nepalis in rural areas are still unaware of the legalization of abortion even after five years of the reform law. Furthermore, women are still resorting to clandestine abortion due to economic hardship and lack of access to abortion services.
Present Law on Abortion in Nepal
Abortion is legal in Nepal on the following grounds:

Up to 12 weeks of gestation for any woman
Up to 18 weeks of gestation if pregnancy results from rape or incest
At any time during pregnancy, with the advice of a medical practitioner or if the physical or mental health or life of the pregnant woman is at risk or if the foetus is deformed and incompatible with life.
Abortion will be punishable on the following two conditions:
• Sex selective abortion
• Abortion without the consent of the pregnant woman