Friday, September 24, 2010

Guest posting

From today there will be Cely guest posting in this blog too. She was wanting to write for a long time and she was asking me if she could write down her feelings. But I didn’t want to share my blog with anybody else so I was resisting but I thought let’s give he a chance to express her feelings too. After all its just a free sub-domain and there’s no need to be worried in any way. So, I’ve asked her to write down her feelings and mail it to me. I haven’t given her the username and password of the blog thought as she is not that much of a computer geek and I am afraid is she might mess the layout or other stuffs while trying to roam here and there in the blog. So, I’ll read her posts and if I find it appropriate for my readers I’ll post it. Else, I’ll reject it and will let her know the reason of its rejection too.