Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Still in 60's

What are we in….21st century ??? Technology has raised it’s bar so high that people are planning to go on moon for their honeymoon. Still some people are living a 60’s life. For those folks, my suggestion is “Go get a time machine and transport yourself to your time”. I mean who gives out letter to propose a girl nowadays. Feelings can’t be written down. Hell!!! it can’t be even expressed. It can only be felt … and that’s why it’s called feeling, ‘coz it’s felt. If we feel ashamed for their feelings then the person is useless, s/he don’t deserve anything. Some people may disagree with my view and may try to strangle me to death but I don’t give a damn. I’m not ashamed of what I feel and I will shout it out loud “60’s suck so those folks go to hell.”