Monday, July 23, 2007

Review -

Pregnancy period is a very critical time period. During this period a lot of attention has to be given to the pregnant mother and the child that she is bearing. And for all that care, need a pretty good amount of money. For poor and middle class people it’s almost impossible to spend in Prenatal Care. In such situation, MaternityCard can be a great help. It provides stable Insurance for Pregnant Women. It is devoted to helping pregnant women who are worried about the cost of maternity care. Also, it provides discounts on the hospital cost and other baby information. Simply, helps to decide how to handle all the costs while having a baby.


Anonymous said...

The Maternity Card is a huge rip-off. Huge. My wife and I got pregnant during a period between jobs while we had no maternity coverage so the idea that the MC could get us huge discounts on our various medical bills was certainly attractive. What nobody tells you, however, is that the majority of doctors and hospitals offer substantial discounts to self-pay patients simply by asking…and the discounts are the exact same as those that the Maternity Card can obtain. In other words, by speaking with your hospital or physician’s billing departments directly you can get the same discounts for self-pay as they can, and it’s EASY. Case in point, Northside Hospital in Atlanta (the busiest maternity hospital in the country) offers patients a 40% discount for self pay and our doctor offered us a flat $2500 for his services from first visit to delivery to post-delivery check-up. Same with the specialist we went to. And when I brought this to the attention of Maternity Card they admitted that they could do no better. But then trying to cancel the Maternity Card is a huuuuuuge pain in the neck. You have to first pay for the entire year’s contract, then jump through about 4000 hoops and obtain 2000 different forms and pieces of paperwork from your medical providers….and all this while you’re dealing with a newborn in your life. Do yourself a favor if you’re going to self-pay….make a phone call and save yourself time and money. You don’t need the Maternity Card’s help.