Monday, September 29, 2008

SORRY !!! seems like it's the only word I can say.

I hate to be in this situation ... I got into this mess myself and now I don't know what to do next as usual... I'm a dumb ass ... Why do I have to be such an ass, why did I have to say the things that I said when I knew that it's do nothing but hurt someone's feelings...I didn't meant to but I couldn't stay quite... some big mouth I have.

Everyones saying lots of things and I got distracted, is that it??? I don;t know for sure but I just know this much that I can't forget a smile...that smile brought a smile on my face... May be I was too greedy, I wanted that smile in my faceto remain forever when I knew that it was just for a sec.

I am happy though ... I don;t have that smile in my face now but I have memories and like in movies they say that memories last some memories become like a scar.. no matter how much you try to get rid of it, you can't....Can we live with memories ??? I guess I'll soon find it out...

I try to learn new things everytime and this time I leart that you can't buy happiness... happiness bought with money doesn't last long ... still I'll always beleive that there has to be a shop where I can buy smething and I'd be really happy ...I desperately need to buy some happiness...
